Sunday, May 9, 2010

allied media conference

Mervin, Jackson and I will be presenting a workshop on queer organizing at the upcoming 2010 allied media conference. We're really excited about it! For those of you who aren't familiar with the AMC, here's some info from their website:

The Allied Media Conference is the central project of the Allied Media Projects (AMP) network, which emerges out of ten years of organic relationship-building. Since the first conference (then the Midwest Zine Conference) in 1999, people have been compelled by the concept of do-it-yourself media. Later, as the Underground Publishing Conference, the emphasis was on building a movement of alternative media makers. With the shift towards Allied Media, the AMC has attracted more and more people who are interested in using participatory media as a strategy for social justice organizing.

During our workshop we'll be sharing out experiences with organizing the queer community in Lexington. We'll definitely be talking about some of the music events we've organized, UK's OUTsource center, and this blog. If you're free on the weekend on June17th-20th, you should totally come up and maybe even stick around for the U.S. social forum.

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